Brazil - November 2021

November 2021
Brazil - November 2021
Pages: 42
Format: .PDF

Transactional Track Record's November M&A Report contains a breakdown of 2,224 deals announced or closed in 2021. The report also provides updated data on different aspects of the Brazilian M&A market, where US-based buyers led inbound investments. The United States was the preferred destination for outbound deals led by Brazil-based companies. The report also includes a breakdown of M&A activity by sector, alongside information and data related to Private Equity and Venture Capital investments. League tables in the final pages of the report rank the top legal and financial advisors by transactions announced in 2021.

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Americanas and Lojas Americanas complete acquisition of Hortifruti

Advisors in this deal:

Financial Advisory:

  • Banco J.P. Morgan Brasil
  • Lazard Brasil

Legal Advisory:

  • BMA – Barbosa Müssnich Aragão
  • Lefosse Advogados