Latin America - August 2019

August 2019
Latin America - August 2019
Pages: 53
Format: .PDF

According to Transactional Track Record's M&A Report, Latin America's mergers and acquisitions market closed the first eight months of the year with a slight decrease in the number of registered transactions and in the moved capital, compared with the same period of 2018. Based on the ranking of analyzed countries, Colombia and Brazil recorded an increase in moved capital and in the number of transactions. Meanwhile, Chile had a minor decrease in the number of transactions, though their aggregate value increased, compared with the same period of 2018. Lastly, Argentina, Mexico y Peru registered less dynamism both in the number of transactions and in their value. The report also provides a complete analysis correlating the market's most active sectors, as well as the most prominent transactions of the cross-border segment.


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Millicom International Cellular closes acquisition of Telefónica Panamá

Advisors in this deal:

Financial Advisors:

  • Santander Global Corporate Banking España
  • Deloitte España

Legal Advisors:

  • Arias Panamá
  • Arias El Salvador
  • Arias Guatemala