Latin America - First, second and third quarter 2013

September 2013
Latin America - First, second and third quarter 2013
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In the third quarter of 2013, the Latin American transactional market was particularly dynamic, with several relevant deals registered. Brazil was the most active country with 232 deals both announced and closed, followed by Mexico with 58 and Chile with 43. In addition, the total investment volume in Latin America increased considerably this quarter compared with the previous one; escalating from USD 60.93bn to some USD 119.98bn. Highlights include a takeover offer launched by Mexico-based América Móvil, controlled by Mexican entrepreneur Carlos Slim, to acquire a 72% stake in KPN, a Holland-based telecommunications company. With this deal, América Móvil attained 100% of the capital. The deal value was some USD 9.60bn. Furthermore, MetLife, a US-based insurance company, acquired through a takeover offer a 90.38% stake in AFP Provida, a Chile-based pension funds management company. The deal value was some USD 1.84bn. The seller in this deal was Spain-based financial institution BBVA.



GNL Quintero - Energy company, especialized in gas.



RANKING 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter 2013
Mergers and Acquisitions - Argentina
Financial Advisors
By No. of transactions
Ranking 1Q 2Q 3Q 2013 FINANCIAL ADVISOR No. of deals
1 Vinci Assessoria Financeira 1
2 Morgan Stanley 1
3 Banco Itaú BBA 1
4 Haywood Securities 1
By total value of transactions
Ranking 1Q 2Q 3Q 2013 FINANCIAL ADVISOR Total value (USDm)
1 Vinci Assessoria Financeira 498.00
2 Morgan Stanley 391.40
3 Banco Itaú BBA 93.83
4 Haywood Securities


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