TTR In The Press

Business News Americas / BN Americas

March 2016

February figures show vibrant M&A scene in Mexico

There were 20 M&A deals in Mexico last month to the tune of US$2.05bn.

The number of deals was up 11.1% from February 2015 while the deal value amount was up 8.79%, according to a report from financial data firm TTR.

There was only one deal among the 20 transactions that was worth more than US$500mn.

Nine of the transactions did not disclose the deal value, TTR noted.

There were three private equity deals in February and one venture capital transaction. No IPOs or equity issues took place last month, the report shows.

The most active sector was real state with five deals, followed by hotels, restaurants and tourism and food & beverage (4 deals), and then the retail sector (3 deals).



5TH Mexico Infrastructure Summit

Click here to see the agenda and speakers

4TH Mexico Oil&Gas Summit

Click here to see the agenda and speakers

Source: Business News Americas / BN Americas - Chile 

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