TTR In The Press

Business News Americas / BN Americas

June 2022

Twitter is not the only one: technology mergers and acquisitions continue booming

The acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk is one of the most talked-about news in the business world this year, giving much to talk about and responding to a common reality around the world. This is the increase in mergers and acquisitions of companies in the technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) sector. No exception is our Latin American region, as digital transformation is driving companies in all major jurisdictions to evaluate investments, acquisitions, and mergers to develop new business units. 

As we at Baker McKenzie told you in our second report TMT Looking Ahead 2022, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the global sector increased 71% last year compared to 2020. The number of transactions reached record levels, with a record US$1.1tn, which accounted for 20% of all M&A deals. According to Transactional Track Record (TTR), in Latin America, the M&A volume increased 41% to 3,633 deals, which totaled almost US$167bn, representing 112% growth compared to 2020. Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, and Peru have established themselves as leading markets in this area.

Source: Business News Americas / BN Americas - Chile 

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