Latin America - Annual 2013

December 2013
Latin America - Annual 2013
Pages: 20
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Summary 2013

2013 was a positive and dynamic year for the Latin American transactional market, regarding M&A and capital markets. One of the largest deals in the last few years was registered this year; the acquisition made by Holland-based AB InBev of a 50% stake in Mexico-based Grupo Modelo. The deal value was USD 20.10bn. The cross-border deals represented a large percentage of the total number of deals registered this year, exposing how this region is gaining interest around the world. In addition, the Latin American companies are beginning to venture abroad to follow their growth strategies.

On the other hand, the capital markets were particular active, with numerous capital increases, which have significantly increased with respect to 2012. Furthermore, one of the largest capital increases was registered in Chile. It carried out by energy company Enersis, for a total of USD 8.02bn. Several IPO's were also recorded. Highlights include Mexico, with IPO's carried out by Fibra Danhos, Grupo Lala and City Express.

The year ends with significant acquisition agreements, which suggests that 2014 will be a dynamic year.




BBVA Panamá - Financial entity.


Mergers and Acquisitions - Argentina
Financial Advisors
By No. of transactions
Ranking 2013 FINANCIAL ADVISOR No. of deals
1 Citibank N.A. 1
2 Perella Weinberg Partners 1
3 Vinci Assessoria Financeira 1
4 Morgan Stanley España 1
5 Banco Itaú BBA 1
6 Haywood Securities 1
By total value of transactions
Ranking 2013 FINANCIAL ADVISOR Total value (USDm)
1 Citibank N.A. 1,675.00
2 Perella Weinberg Partners 1,675.00
3 Vinci Assessoria Financeira 498.00
4 Morgan Stanley España 391.40
5 Banco Itaú BBA 93.83
6 Haywood Securities -
Mergers and Acquisitions - Argentina
Legal Advisors
By No. of transactions
Ranking 2013 LEGAL ADVISOR No. of deals
1 Paolantonio & Legón Abogados 6
2 Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites, Arntsen & Martinez de Hoz 5
3 Errecondo, Salaverri, Dellatorre. González & Burgio 5
4 Marval O´Farrel & Mairal 5
5 Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi 4
6 Tanoira Cassagne Abogados 3
7 Brons & Salas 2
8 M & M Bomchil Abogados 2
9 Estudio Beccar Varela 2
10 González & Ferraro Mila Abogados 2
By total value of transactions
Ranking 2013 LEGAL ADVISOR Total value (USDm)
1 Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites, Arntsen & Martinez de Hoz 4,083.00
2 Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi 2,839.35
3 Errecondo, Salaverri, Dellatorre. González & Burgio 1,670.00
4 Brons & Salas 540.00
5 Mitrani, Caballero, Rosso Alba, Francia, Ojam & Ruiz Moreno Abogados 391.40
6 Marval O´Farrel & Mairal 354.03
7 M & M Bomchil Abogados 190.00